We had our scheduled antenatal checkup last Saturday (9 June). This time, hubby joined in as well, so did Khayla.
When the doctor scanned the baby, I was really surprised to see how big it has grown compared to a fortnight ago! Yeay baby!
And the best thing is, the baby has started to move :) it was entertaining to see the baby moving around, and being very active. Last time with Khayla, she wasn't as active as this one.
At one point, baby lifted its hand and we can see the outline of its bone fingers on the monitor! It seemed to be waving at us, the dear one! And Khayla waved back! :) Gosh, now I can't stop writing with exclamation mark, it was such an exciting moment :)
Dr Tan said baby is growing well and healthy although she's a bit concerned with my pale appearance. But I assured her that I'm taking my pills and multivitamin so she didn't ask so much questions.
Our next appointment is next month. And hmm, it might be a bit weird but I sometimes can feel my baby wriggling in my lower tummy, although I'm only 3 months' pregnant.
Can't wait for my pregnancy to be in its fourth month!