Dear Baby Girl,
It seemed like only yesterday I found out about the pregnancy and the indescribable joy that came with the knowledge. After almost 4 years of being married, and FINALLY, finally we are able to conceive.
After the joy, we were scared, really scared that we will lose you. My earlier days of pregnancy was a rather bleak and cautious time for the both of us as we waited with bated breath and lots of prayers for your survival.
But you my child, are strong. God meant for you to live this long, to Insya Allah take the first breath of air this coming week. I still remember whispering a prayer to God, 'Ye Allah, this child inside of me, I trust her life in Your Hands. If she lives, it is through Your Grace, and I thank You for this blessing. If she does not live, I believe that it is her destiny and You know what is best for her and for us.'
My sweet little girl,
Soon, you will be born into this world. How many times have I closed my eyes and imagined the moment you will be placed on my chest, no doubt crying in bewilderment at the sudden gust of cold air after spending 9 months cocooned in the warm, soothing uterus you are used to now. Yes, it is getting more snug and at times, annoyingly uncomfortable as you grow bigger and your home gets smaller. But that cry will soon be placated as you hear the familiar heartbeats and your eyes opened unseeingly in wonder at the warm skin you felt against yours. You will hear the familiar voice soothing you but the voices are no longer muffled, feel hands touching your back as your fingers uncurl and start to search around for something to soothe you.
I imagine how beautiful will those moments be as we finally get to meet you. I imagine that I will be overwhelmed with happiness, crying at the sight of you, and Daddy too, will be crying. Baby, those are the imaginations that lifted my spirit, kept me going even when I was ready to give up on the world, and made me smile even when you kicked me so hard it hurt sometimes. Baby, one day you will know this feeling. It is called motherhood.
My dear child,
Perhaps the next best thing after finding out about the pregnancy is finding out that you will making your début on our 4th wedding anniversary, Insya Allah. In many ways, we have always regarded you as God's gift to us for making it to our 4th year of marriage. But we never (ok, I admit that I have been hoping that you will be coming out on 15th December even though you are due 2 weeks after our wedding anniversary) intended that you will be born on that date itself! If not for this placenta previa problem, I am positive that you will be a New Year baby and that I will be having a normal labour. BUT... God has other plans and lesson learnt, be careful what you wish for. Hehe.
During my last visit to the doctor, she pointed out that the placenta has totally blocked the opening of the uterus and makes it difficult, if not impossible, for you to make your journey into the world through the birth canal. She went on to conclude that the safest way to deliver you is through C-section.
I was of course, quite disappointed to hear that. I asked whether it is really not possible to move the placenta out of the way but she said it is extremely risky, not after waiting for 4 years to have a baby anyway. You see, I have been preparing myself for normal delivery - even put my mind firmly to the thought of having a drug-free birth. That means, no epidural will be requested.
But. What matters most is not what I want, but what is best for you. So, if the doctor thinks that the safest passage for you to enter this world through C-sect, I will certainly oblige this. Some day baby, remember that your mother loves you very much to suffer so much pain for you. Even give her life to you.
I am waiting eagerly sweetheart, for your arrival. Come, my child, into my open arms. The moment of waiting is nearly over.
Week 37: The Very Last Week of Life in Uterus.
Week 37

Week 27: It's A Girl!
Dear Baby,
It's been a while since we last met you. 5 whole weeks! Phew. But nevertheless, your presence is always felt. You are getting stronger and stronger, kicking and moving, and doing all sorts of cute and not-so-cute (e.g. when you kick too hard you make me go, 'Ooff!') stuffs inside there.
Raya had been a blast. Except for the part when the flight landed and it was quite a bumpy landing. For the whole day, you did not move. We were quite worried at that time, and made it a point to go to the hospital if I still did not feel you move the following day. To make matters worst, we had food poisoning the next day *shudder*. But, luckily by the the third day of Hari Raya, I felt you stirring inside. Then everything went back to normal and Raya had never been more fun. I mean, I don't have to answer anymore 'So, when are you guys going to have children?' questions by busybodies.
I miss home already when I think of it. I miss your Grandma, and her cooking. I ate too much that by the time I came back after hols, everyone thought I was about to pop already coz I GOT SO BIG! I know I should start exercising soon, but things had been quite hectic since we came back that I never managed to find the time *lame excuse, Mommy...*
(Anyway, I only put on 3.5kg, an extra 2+kg from the last visit. So, it's still manageable right?)
We went for our monthly check-up last night. Once again, I was really, really excited to know your gender. Boy? Girl? Once again, I coaxed you to 'open up' to the doctor, so we could find out the most awaited news since you were conceived. I guess last night you were in a good mood, so you obliged.
Before that, I wanted to share with you Daddy's dream. Last week, Daddy told me that he dreamed about our baby's gender. We were in a hospital (apparently I had safely delivered), and then the doctor came carrying our little bundle of joy. The doctor placed the baby in the baby cot, and out of curiousity, Daddy went over to see the baby's sex. So, he pried aside the nappy and saw... no balls. That means, girl.
I was overjoyed after he related his dream but Daddy remained skeptical. You see, Daddy being a big boy, wants a boy as firstborn. Mommy being a big girl, wants a girl as firstborn. Look at how responsible is your Aunty Liza? I long for a little girl who will grow up a responsible young lady who looks after her siblings. BUT, in actual truth, we don't mind if it's a boy or a girl. Either one is still our child, the most awaited child since we were ready to become parents. So, don't you worry your little head that one of us may like you less because of your gender, coz baby, we love you no matter what :)
Back to last night.
As usual, after checking my blood pressure (and gently reprimanding me for putting on weight), the doctor asked me to lie down on the exam table. As soon as I was settled in, the doctor started the ultrasound scan.
Masya Allah, you have certainly grown bigger my child. I love the way you suckle your thumb, and yes, kicking and moving. It's the cutest sight I've ever seen *grin from ear to ear* And at one time the doctor was probing my tummy to measure your thigh bone, you kick and I could feel that movement. It was simply magical!
After doctor has finished measuring whatever needs to be measured, I asked her whether (cough), it's possible to see your gender now. She then scanned downwards to that part of your anatomy. And Alhamdulillah, you were very cooperative.
'Looks like a girl.' She said. I couldn't believe my ears. So, Daddy's dream was true? I flashed a grin and a victory sign at Daddy (yeaay! Mommy's little girl!). Daddy spoke up.
'How do you know Doctor?'
'You see this part, looks like lips?' She zoomed in on that particular part and I could see what she meant. Yup, definitely a girl.
OMG. I'm so excited. I'm getting a little girl! I have always imagined of baking cakes together with my little girl, or sharing stories and stuffs. Inside, I sort of sensed that you will be a girl, the way you are sort of shy with strangers (like you will stay quiet whenever you hear unfamiliar voices talking to me), and lately, I have become quite fussy with my appearance (typical mommy-to-be carrying a girl).
My little girl,
Thank you for obliging Mommy's request. I love you and I couldn't wait to hold you in my arms. Just 13 weeks or 90 days to go!
Mommy (a very proud mommy)
Week 27

Week 22: Showing A Glimpse of Your Personality
Dear Baby,
At the beginning of this pregnancy, I have always thought you as being part of me. Meaning, whenever I'm hungry, I imagine you being hungry. Whenever I feel tired, it's you wanting to have a nap. We, Mommy and Baby, are an entity. You, my baby, react based on what I feel and want.
But as you grow older, I realise that you are a person of your own. You have your own schedule (of napping and stretching your legs and body and arms), your own moods, your own personality. I am not developing a mini me - I'm developing a whole new person. Come to think of it, it quite saddened me that I don't have that much power over you. I mean, what if some day you make choices I don't agree with, and I can't WILL it that you stop making that decision? What if I want you to be a pilot but you want to be a... doctor?
So, that is lesson #1 I have to live with - baby is not a clay doll to shape as and how I please.
Last Sunday, we were so looking forward to meet you. I was really excited because I am overly curious to find out your gender. Should I start browsing for boys' outfit, or adorable girls' clothes? Should I name you ******, or er, I haven't thought of a name of the other gender but I will leave it to Daddy coz I have thought of the name already *wink*
All the way to the clinic, I talked to you and cajoled you to let us have a glimpse of your youknowwhat. I was confident that you would listen to me - me, the one who suffered weeks of headache and morning sickness, and uneasy nights and everything (cough). Baby baik kan? Baby bukak kaki sikit ye...
We reached the clinic in time - the doctor was about to leave (today clinic opened half day). As usual, I am very glad to see the doctor. She is a very nice and pretty Indian lady and even if she may sound a bit serious, she can crack jokes and not as serious as she may appeared.
So, after taking my blood pressure, asking a few questions and telling me that my blood test went well (no diabetes, no whatever), once again I hopped onto the examination table (albeit a little less agile than those early months). The doctor started the scanning procedure as usual.
You've grown so big since last time we met. This time, instead of moving actively like last scan, you were staying quiet and resolutely, in that fetal position. Head and body curled up against your legs and YOU CROSSED YOUR LEGS! WHY BABY WHY???
The doctor tried her best to wake you and make you move so she could have a glimpse of your youknowwhat. But no, you still stayed put, pretending to be asleep la tu. Padahal, before reaching the clinic you were busy kicking and somersaulting inside.
Oh baby!
If Mommy could reach inside and uncross your legs for you, Mommy would do that! That is how desperate mommy wants to know. Still, I have to respect your decision that: A. You are shy of showing the world your private part, B. You are not ready to announce your gender (maybe you don't like the name I have picked in mind for you), C. You are just being playful, like that time I was studying for Marketing exam, and you chose the moments I concentrated on my notes to kick but when I looked at my stomach to catch you in your act, you stayed silent, probably laughing at the idea of teasing Mommy.
Still, we are quite happy to know that you have grown bigger and we can already see the shape of your fingers and toes and everything (except the part down there). We love you sweetie. God has taken very good care of you even during moments when I could not.
Take care, my little one. May you come out healthy and happy.
At the beginning of this pregnancy, I have always thought you as being part of me. Meaning, whenever I'm hungry, I imagine you being hungry. Whenever I feel tired, it's you wanting to have a nap. We, Mommy and Baby, are an entity. You, my baby, react based on what I feel and want.
But as you grow older, I realise that you are a person of your own. You have your own schedule (of napping and stretching your legs and body and arms), your own moods, your own personality. I am not developing a mini me - I'm developing a whole new person. Come to think of it, it quite saddened me that I don't have that much power over you. I mean, what if some day you make choices I don't agree with, and I can't WILL it that you stop making that decision? What if I want you to be a pilot but you want to be a... doctor?
So, that is lesson #1 I have to live with - baby is not a clay doll to shape as and how I please.
Last Sunday, we were so looking forward to meet you. I was really excited because I am overly curious to find out your gender. Should I start browsing for boys' outfit, or adorable girls' clothes? Should I name you ******, or er, I haven't thought of a name of the other gender but I will leave it to Daddy coz I have thought of the name already *wink*
All the way to the clinic, I talked to you and cajoled you to let us have a glimpse of your youknowwhat. I was confident that you would listen to me - me, the one who suffered weeks of headache and morning sickness, and uneasy nights and everything (cough). Baby baik kan? Baby bukak kaki sikit ye...
We reached the clinic in time - the doctor was about to leave (today clinic opened half day). As usual, I am very glad to see the doctor. She is a very nice and pretty Indian lady and even if she may sound a bit serious, she can crack jokes and not as serious as she may appeared.
So, after taking my blood pressure, asking a few questions and telling me that my blood test went well (no diabetes, no whatever), once again I hopped onto the examination table (albeit a little less agile than those early months). The doctor started the scanning procedure as usual.
You've grown so big since last time we met. This time, instead of moving actively like last scan, you were staying quiet and resolutely, in that fetal position. Head and body curled up against your legs and YOU CROSSED YOUR LEGS! WHY BABY WHY???
The doctor tried her best to wake you and make you move so she could have a glimpse of your youknowwhat. But no, you still stayed put, pretending to be asleep la tu. Padahal, before reaching the clinic you were busy kicking and somersaulting inside.
Oh baby!
If Mommy could reach inside and uncross your legs for you, Mommy would do that! That is how desperate mommy wants to know. Still, I have to respect your decision that: A. You are shy of showing the world your private part, B. You are not ready to announce your gender (maybe you don't like the name I have picked in mind for you), C. You are just being playful, like that time I was studying for Marketing exam, and you chose the moments I concentrated on my notes to kick but when I looked at my stomach to catch you in your act, you stayed silent, probably laughing at the idea of teasing Mommy.
Still, we are quite happy to know that you have grown bigger and we can already see the shape of your fingers and toes and everything (except the part down there). We love you sweetie. God has taken very good care of you even during moments when I could not.
Take care, my little one. May you come out healthy and happy.
Week 22

The moments Mom & Dad wait for...
Dear Baby,
Obviously, the moment we discovered about our pregnancy, we worry straight away. Worry why there's no morning sickness symptoms, worry how you're doing in there, worry why there's spotting every time you turned a week older, worry how you're doing in there, worry why everyone else seemed to feel movement at week15/16, worry how you're doing in there...
At Week 19, I vaguely feel some 'sensations' in my lower abdomen, some throbbings and unexplainable feelings of a having a whole universe busy at its own activities inside there. But since it is only happening inside and when I put my hands on my tummy to feel those movements and did not feel even the slightest of it, I felt that the whole thing is surreal. Just a figment of my imagination.
Until this week comes. Week 20.
I was obediently following doctor's order to stay in bed on Friday, watching tv and checking Facebook. Suddenly I felt something stirred inside. I placed my hand absent-mindedly just below my navel, and continued watching tv. A few minutes later, something poked out and I could actually feel it!
I stared at my tummy in disbelief, but I did not move my hand. A minute passed by, and then the same sensation of stirring came from inside again, and you poked my tummy again!
I was amazed. That night I told Daddy, and he too wanted to feel that movement. But of course, nothing happened. Daddy was deeply disappointed.
Saturday came.
After iftar, I sat on the sofa, contented. I was reading Times Magazine, when I sensed stirring and throbbing sensations to the left of my lower abdomen. Once again, I put my hand on that area, and continued reading. Then it happened again. The Movement, with capital 'M'. I exclaimed loudly to Daddy, 'Cepat bang! Baby gerak lagi!'
Daddy came over in excitement and put his hand on my tummy and even his ear. You must be enjoying yourself, teasing Daddy because you did not repeat that again. He moved away, disappointed. Then you kicked again, and Mommy exclaimed again. Daddy bound over, this time determined to catch the moment.
Then you must have felt kesian with your ol' man, because you kicked again at the same spot. Daddy was thrilled! 'Ya lah! Abang pun rasa!' He placed his ear near that area but of course he could not hear anything la kan... That night, I was kept awake at 2am because that is the hour youparty are most active and keep on poking me to the point I had to wake up your father to tell you to sleep. Besok aje main ye baby...
Now that you are making big movements that we both could feel, you have no idea how relieved we are. We no longer have to spend endless days and nights worrying whether you are still surviving in there. Just feeling your movements can make us feel so much happier.
Thank you my little cupcake. And keep on surviving.
Mom & Dad
Obviously, the moment we discovered about our pregnancy, we worry straight away. Worry why there's no morning sickness symptoms, worry how you're doing in there, worry why there's spotting every time you turned a week older, worry how you're doing in there, worry why everyone else seemed to feel movement at week15/16, worry how you're doing in there...
At Week 19, I vaguely feel some 'sensations' in my lower abdomen, some throbbings and unexplainable feelings of a having a whole universe busy at its own activities inside there. But since it is only happening inside and when I put my hands on my tummy to feel those movements and did not feel even the slightest of it, I felt that the whole thing is surreal. Just a figment of my imagination.
Until this week comes. Week 20.
I was obediently following doctor's order to stay in bed on Friday, watching tv and checking Facebook. Suddenly I felt something stirred inside. I placed my hand absent-mindedly just below my navel, and continued watching tv. A few minutes later, something poked out and I could actually feel it!
I stared at my tummy in disbelief, but I did not move my hand. A minute passed by, and then the same sensation of stirring came from inside again, and you poked my tummy again!
I was amazed. That night I told Daddy, and he too wanted to feel that movement. But of course, nothing happened. Daddy was deeply disappointed.
Saturday came.
After iftar, I sat on the sofa, contented. I was reading Times Magazine, when I sensed stirring and throbbing sensations to the left of my lower abdomen. Once again, I put my hand on that area, and continued reading. Then it happened again. The Movement, with capital 'M'. I exclaimed loudly to Daddy, 'Cepat bang! Baby gerak lagi!'
Daddy came over in excitement and put his hand on my tummy and even his ear. You must be enjoying yourself, teasing Daddy because you did not repeat that again. He moved away, disappointed. Then you kicked again, and Mommy exclaimed again. Daddy bound over, this time determined to catch the moment.
Then you must have felt kesian with your ol' man, because you kicked again at the same spot. Daddy was thrilled! 'Ya lah! Abang pun rasa!' He placed his ear near that area but of course he could not hear anything la kan... That night, I was kept awake at 2am because that is the hour you
Now that you are making big movements that we both could feel, you have no idea how relieved we are. We no longer have to spend endless days and nights worrying whether you are still surviving in there. Just feeling your movements can make us feel so much happier.
Thank you my little cupcake. And keep on surviving.
Mom & Dad
Week 20

Week 20: Oh baby!
Alhamdulillah... I couldn't thank God enough for giving me the strength and courage to face the turbulent first trimester journey... If I thought back about it, I will shudder and try to think of something else.
Baby is now at 20 weeks. Ramadhan had started yesterday. Ramadhan, the month we lost our first baby 2 years back. Somehow, aku berserah dan bertawakal sepenuhnya kepada Ilahi atas nyawa anakku ini. After all, from Him this baby cometh, and to Him he/she will returned...
So coming back to Ramadhan. I entered Ramadhan gingerly and cautiously. Since entering Week 19, my energy and appetite has slowly returned. I only threw up once last week - and that was more to psychological factor (i.e. brushing teeth automatically made me gag). And... if I did not eat on time, I will be so hungry till I shiver in hunger. So I had no idea whether I could complete fasting for a day.
Yesterday thank God again, I managed to last till the breaking of fast. But oh dear! We were so exhausted! Too exhausted till we fell asleep after Maghrib and then throughout the night till the next morning when hubby had to wake up to prepare sahur.
The exhaustion was due to the traffic jam we had to endure to go back (1 hour+). Then we had to cook meal for breaking of fast. I was simply tired from carrying the baby and fasting. So this morning I suggested we should go to work by bike to save time and energy to do our assignment tonight.
Hubby flatly refused my suggestion, saying that he doesn't want to endanger baby's life. I sulked - coz i hate traffic jam and I figured out that I had not had any problem of spotting / bleeding since June and I am already in my second trimester so the worry is unnecessary. So there we were, silent in the car because I know we'll reach home late and we'll be tired like yesterday.
Work as always. Sigh. I somehow found dealing with elderly clerk DOES test my patience... Especially clerk who thinks she's old enough to take any instructions from young executive like me. I mean, does she have to raise her voice at me just because I ask for clarifications? Or ask her to join a meeting first without me? Tiba-tiba terkenangkan the other elderly clerk I had to put up with when I first joined this company. Secretly, I hope this clerk will also get transferred elsewhere soon. I have enough problems to deal with and I don't need this extra emotional stress.
Anyway, by afternoon when I went to the restroom, I was dismayed to find that I had brownish blood on my pantyliner. It was not just spotting, this was like heavy discharge. I quickly washed up, stared in the mirror and held my tummy trying desperately to feel any movement.
Then I went out, managed to get hold of my boss to inform her of my finding and to get excuse to leave early to go to my clinic. Then I called hubby and he came within 30 minutes, I packed up and just left the office in haste. Despite it all, I took several deep breaths and tried to convince myself not to panic. This is just a test from God to see how sincere I am in saying that I trust Him with my baby's life...
Reached Samuel Clinic 2o minutes later. Luckily not so many patients in the clinic. I was relieved to see the familiar gentle face of our gynae despite my turbulent feelings. In worried tone, I told her I had bleeding again and described how the bleeding looked like. Then she took my blood pressure and then I was back on the check-up table for ultrasound scan.
The doctor, sensing my anxiety gently patted my hand and told me not to worry and that everything is fine. I was not convinced until I saw the baby's heartbeats. When she zoomed in, the first thing that caught my attention was the baby's movement - boy, it was enough to put me at rest immediately! The baby was actively moving, turning his/her body here and there, and the head as well. It was probably sucking his/her thumb, with legs crossed.
The doctor turned up the volume so we could hear baby's heartbeats (thumping strongly and normal-ly...) and hubby asked whether the baby is doing ok. The doctor reassured us that there is nothing wrong with the heartbeats and baby seemed quite active (phew!). I asked about the location of the placenta, still not satisfied with the unexplainable bleeding.
The doctor then pointed the placenta - it was behind baby, still blocking the entry. But, since it is only 2nd trimester, she said most probably the placenta will move away as the baby grows.
'Probably the baby's movement is causing the bleeding. But don't worry, as far as I'm concerned from this ultrasound scan, everything looks ok.' She said, and then added, 'Take care of your feelings, don't get stressed out and no need to worry. I'll give you one day mc so you can rest at home.'
Oh baby! You made us so scared! Suddenly I felt like crying - with relief. I can't bear the thought of losing another baby. I love you so much baby!
The good news, since we left office early, we managed to avoid massive queue and reached home half an hour earlier than yesterday. Maybe this is baby's way of solving mom and dad's disagreement amicably? Dad gets to drive to work and Mom gets to reach home early? Heh. Pandai anak mak! Nasib baik kau kat dalam perut, kalau tak mak cubit-cubit manja pipi baby tau... :p
All in all, I am thankful to God that baby is still alive and well inside of me. I pray that he/she will be born healthy and full-term. In the first place, syukur alhamdulillah for blessing us with this gift.
Week 20

One week short to 2nd trimester
A fortnight ago, I stepped into the rest room and saw that I was spotting. This time, it was quite a lot.
I tried to remain calm and called KLMC to see the O&G doctor, but I was told that O&G is only available on Tuesday. So, ever so trying not to panic, I called En Suami so that we could straight away go to the Samuel clinic to check it out.
Alhamdulillah, the baby still has its heartbeats and at 11 weeks, it is resembling more like a mini human (although more like basic engineering) rather than a... reptile.
As we watched its heartbeats, we could not help feeling overwhelmed by how strong those heartbeats are, and how steady they are. Somehow, this baby showed the will to survive and I am very proud of its accomplishment.
I know I have not been a good mommy ever since I started my morning sickness. Like, skipping folic acid and hardly taking whatever pills the doctor prescribed to me. The thing is, there is a very strong aversion towards anything to do with medicine and I guess this is one trait that I will pass on to my little child later on (if he/she survived).
Last week, the baby turned 12 weeks old in my uterus and it has officially entered month 3. From here onwards, I pray to God that the journey will be less turbulent and may this time, our prayers be answered.
The prayer for the little one.
Week 12

8 weeks?
Do you know how frustrating it is to know that your pregnancy timeline is dragged back to a week earlier? Do you know what 1 week means to a pregnant lady like me?
1 week is 1 week closer to trimester 2.
1 week closer to end the tumultous journey.
1 week closer to safety.
1 week less worrying.
1 week less of morning sickness!
I regretted being worried over the lack of pregnancy symptoms a couple of weeks back. Come this week, the nausea heightened and ladies & gentlemen, welcome to the puking club!
There I was a few weeks back, appetite turned on to the max. Semua benda aku nampak, semua rasa nak sumbat dalam tekak. Nausea was there too, but it lessened the moment I shoved something into my mouth. No vomitting yet. Happily I piled on weight like nobody's business.
Came this week. Suddenly I woke up and brushing my teeth is no longer just an irritating business, it's a full-blown risk of throwing up. Then mid-week, I started to throw up. Now I throw up in earnest. My routine is, makan and then wait for one or two hours. Then go to the toilet and heave it out. Then makan again.
But I'm trying to think positive of the vomitting. I am thinking, 'well, at least I won't put on too much weight and I can eat again after that (and repeat the whole process).' Only, the not so positive part is, getting down with that awful headache just before I throw up, and then my inability to control my vomitting and I will vomit till nothing else will come out and this sour-ish, bile-ish thing come out (which makes me want to throw up more).
Deep breath. Ok Carneyz. No complaints. No crying. This is normal pregnancy symptoms. As long as you have these symptoms, your baby is doing ok in there.
Anyway, the reason why I blog today is because we had our ultrasound check-up again today. Our first check-up was two weeks ago, back then I had spotting and we were so worried that I checked around for a clinic that could carry out vaginal ultrasound coz the normal ultrasound is not good enough to detect any heartbeats this early.
I'll discuss more about this spotting issue later on.
So, my dearest friend Bib helped us out and told us about this one clinic she went to last time when she discovered that she had miscarriage. The clinic is in Jalan Tun Razak, and it's a maternity specialist clinic. So we went there, registered ourselves and waited for our ultrasound turn. The doctor is a nice Indian lady, and when we finally get to see (albeit briefly) the heartbeats on the ultrasound machine we were so relieved.
Back to this afternoon. The clinic was half empty in the afternoon. I was the third patient. When I came in, the nurse asked me to pee in a cup, weighed me and then sent me in to see the doctor. I managed to see that my sugar level is ok, my blood pressure is ok and according to the doctor, the weight I put on is reasonable (0.7kg). I better check this up on the Internet later. I don't want to gain weight too rapidly coz it might risk the pregnancy.
After all the check-ups are done, it was time to hop on the examination bed and have the ultrasound. Unfortunately Suami Terchenta did not join us and therefore, missed the whole experience which he had been looking forward to since last week.
At first the ultrasound only showed a bigger sac compared to last time and a still image of something blurry in the middle of the sac. I asked hesitantly, thinking 'Oh dear, here we go again, no heartbeats!' 'Doctor, where's the heartbeats?'
The doctor started to measure the fetus, and confirmed that it is only 8 weeks and 2 days old (I thought I was already 9 weeks!). Then she zoomed in the image, and pointed to the middle of the fetus. I could see something moving rapidly. 'There's the heartbeats. You can even listen to them.'
She turned on the volume, but I guess the equipment was not as canggih as the one in Pusrawi, so I couldn't really distinguish the sound from the echo of the ultrasound, but I could see a steady sound wave on the screen which I guess, I could settle with.
Alhamdullillah. Despite the repeated spotting and our misgivings, the fetus is still surviving and growing steadily in my womb. I hope the fetus will keep on fighting for its survival, and develop into a perfectly healthy baby. However, from here to the 9th month is still a long way to go. Even from 8 to 9 weeks seems ages!
In the end, even though the nausea, the headache and the vomiting are really pulling me down, I do not mind going through them all if it means my baby is doing ok.
I hope that my nausea will subside in my second trimester because by that time, I'm doing a new job and I'm starting my Masters at the same time and I need my health back. Amin.
1 week is 1 week closer to trimester 2.
1 week closer to end the tumultous journey.
1 week closer to safety.
1 week less worrying.
1 week less of morning sickness!
I regretted being worried over the lack of pregnancy symptoms a couple of weeks back. Come this week, the nausea heightened and ladies & gentlemen, welcome to the puking club!
There I was a few weeks back, appetite turned on to the max. Semua benda aku nampak, semua rasa nak sumbat dalam tekak. Nausea was there too, but it lessened the moment I shoved something into my mouth. No vomitting yet. Happily I piled on weight like nobody's business.
Came this week. Suddenly I woke up and brushing my teeth is no longer just an irritating business, it's a full-blown risk of throwing up. Then mid-week, I started to throw up. Now I throw up in earnest. My routine is, makan and then wait for one or two hours. Then go to the toilet and heave it out. Then makan again.
But I'm trying to think positive of the vomitting. I am thinking, 'well, at least I won't put on too much weight and I can eat again after that (and repeat the whole process).' Only, the not so positive part is, getting down with that awful headache just before I throw up, and then my inability to control my vomitting and I will vomit till nothing else will come out and this sour-ish, bile-ish thing come out (which makes me want to throw up more).
Deep breath. Ok Carneyz. No complaints. No crying. This is normal pregnancy symptoms. As long as you have these symptoms, your baby is doing ok in there.
Anyway, the reason why I blog today is because we had our ultrasound check-up again today. Our first check-up was two weeks ago, back then I had spotting and we were so worried that I checked around for a clinic that could carry out vaginal ultrasound coz the normal ultrasound is not good enough to detect any heartbeats this early.
I'll discuss more about this spotting issue later on.
So, my dearest friend Bib helped us out and told us about this one clinic she went to last time when she discovered that she had miscarriage. The clinic is in Jalan Tun Razak, and it's a maternity specialist clinic. So we went there, registered ourselves and waited for our ultrasound turn. The doctor is a nice Indian lady, and when we finally get to see (albeit briefly) the heartbeats on the ultrasound machine we were so relieved.
Back to this afternoon. The clinic was half empty in the afternoon. I was the third patient. When I came in, the nurse asked me to pee in a cup, weighed me and then sent me in to see the doctor. I managed to see that my sugar level is ok, my blood pressure is ok and according to the doctor, the weight I put on is reasonable (0.7kg). I better check this up on the Internet later. I don't want to gain weight too rapidly coz it might risk the pregnancy.
After all the check-ups are done, it was time to hop on the examination bed and have the ultrasound. Unfortunately Suami Terchenta did not join us and therefore, missed the whole experience which he had been looking forward to since last week.
At first the ultrasound only showed a bigger sac compared to last time and a still image of something blurry in the middle of the sac. I asked hesitantly, thinking 'Oh dear, here we go again, no heartbeats!' 'Doctor, where's the heartbeats?'
The doctor started to measure the fetus, and confirmed that it is only 8 weeks and 2 days old (I thought I was already 9 weeks!). Then she zoomed in the image, and pointed to the middle of the fetus. I could see something moving rapidly. 'There's the heartbeats. You can even listen to them.'
She turned on the volume, but I guess the equipment was not as canggih as the one in Pusrawi, so I couldn't really distinguish the sound from the echo of the ultrasound, but I could see a steady sound wave on the screen which I guess, I could settle with.
Alhamdullillah. Despite the repeated spotting and our misgivings, the fetus is still surviving and growing steadily in my womb. I hope the fetus will keep on fighting for its survival, and develop into a perfectly healthy baby. However, from here to the 9th month is still a long way to go. Even from 8 to 9 weeks seems ages!
In the end, even though the nausea, the headache and the vomiting are really pulling me down, I do not mind going through them all if it means my baby is doing ok.
I hope that my nausea will subside in my second trimester because by that time, I'm doing a new job and I'm starting my Masters at the same time and I need my health back. Amin.
8 weeks

A Little Retrospection
Next week I might be 7 weeks pregnant. Or maybe 8. I don't know. None of the doctors I met want to confirm that through scanning. All they blabbered about is how it is too small to see and please come again in 4 weeks' time.
In 4 weeks' time, anything can happened as I found out during my first pregnancy. So, I can only hope it will not happen again. I just don't trust myself that well. Let's say, my pregnancy record is rather gloomy. Like, 100% failure, 0% success (oh well, it was our first baby).
Books I read said I should not worry too much. Babies are resilient little things. Maybe they are, but maybe my womb is not that sustaining. I just want to know how is the little one doing in there. Any heartbeats yet? Growing ok? Anyone in there?
Today, I started thinking. If this little one sees it through the 9 months' journey, what next? Still working? Quit job and stay at home raising the baby? Find another job that is less demanding (and less pay) but more time for the baby? What next, Carneyz?
I don't know. I hope I will know along the way. Just like how I knew it was the right thing to marry this guy. I just know. Full conviction. With every single beat of my heart, I know he is my jodoh.
I wish I would know sooner though. I know I will come to a cross-road at the end of a 9-month journey. My colleague sighs every time she has to travel and leave her babies behind. I don't want to make that decision. It's tough enough getting pregnant, only to leave my baby every time duty calls. Besides, I don't really like my job. Ok, that's an under-statement. I loathe my job. Detest. Hate. Phew. I said it.
In 4 weeks' time, anything can happened as I found out during my first pregnancy. So, I can only hope it will not happen again. I just don't trust myself that well. Let's say, my pregnancy record is rather gloomy. Like, 100% failure, 0% success (oh well, it was our first baby).
Books I read said I should not worry too much. Babies are resilient little things. Maybe they are, but maybe my womb is not that sustaining. I just want to know how is the little one doing in there. Any heartbeats yet? Growing ok? Anyone in there?
I note that this pregnancy is less demanding that the last one. I got tired, but not all the time tired. Tired, but not exhausted. Not all-round-the-clock fatigue and sleepiness. I don't frequently go to the toilet. I can sleep all night long and only go to the toilet when I wake up in the morning. In the beginning, my boobs ached, but now I hardly notice the pain. My feet are still ok. My back does not hurt. I must have meals on time coz of the hunger pangs, but my hunger doesn't leave me shaking all over like previous pregnancy. The most I get is throbbing head coz of my empty stomach.
This week, I started to notice that I burp more often but the effort is quite unpleasant (it was between burping out gas, and feeling like throwing up). So I guess that nausea has started. Welcome, morning sickness.
Sometimes the pregnancy symptoms are so mild or non-existent I tend to worry that I am only having false pregnant in the first place (blighted ovum, for example), or I have lost the baby (again).
That is why, I have reservations about the little one. I don't want to go all out with my showers of love and affection, only to find out he/she is gone a couple of weeks later. I'm sorry, baby. Until the pregnancy is well established, I cannot write like how I used to write to our first baby. Or I will end up breaking my heart and getting all traumatized again.
Today, I started thinking. If this little one sees it through the 9 months' journey, what next? Still working? Quit job and stay at home raising the baby? Find another job that is less demanding (and less pay) but more time for the baby? What next, Carneyz?
I don't know. I hope I will know along the way. Just like how I knew it was the right thing to marry this guy. I just know. Full conviction. With every single beat of my heart, I know he is my jodoh.
I wish I would know sooner though. I know I will come to a cross-road at the end of a 9-month journey. My colleague sighs every time she has to travel and leave her babies behind. I don't want to make that decision. It's tough enough getting pregnant, only to leave my baby every time duty calls. Besides, I don't really like my job. Ok, that's an under-statement. I loathe my job. Detest. Hate. Phew. I said it.
I was very, very close to tender my resignation last month. I had a strong cause to do that. I was not aware that I was pregnant, but something made me determined to get it over and done with. I couldn't handle the misery and ridiculous demands of my job.
But somehow, things and circumstances stopped me. I wished I had stuck to that decision. Imagine how free I would be by the time the baby is due? *smiling at wishful thinking*
No more stress. No more break downs. No more tears. No more anger. No more worries. No more. I can utilize my time as and how I wish it to be. I can play with the baby all day long, or rest, or work on improving my graphic design skills, or write a book or anything at all.
But the thoughts of leaving all financial responsibility on my poor husband... unbearable. Look at the man. He has to do double job to have a bit of savings in his account. If it wasn't for his side income project, his salary is hardly enough to make ends meet. My salary goes into savings, but at the rate of inflation now, it will only sustain us for a few months should anything happen to any of us.
So. A new job then, it means. Should the pregnancy survive, I will have to find a new job, slightly less take-home pay, but more time for family. No more stay-backs. Late meetings. Travels. Nope. I hope to find a job that does not require all that.
Let us both do our part, baby. You keep on surviving and growing healthily until full-term, and I will find a better, down-graded job for the sake of you. After all, you are worth more than all the money in the world could offer. A few extra hundred ringgits are a laughing value compared to you.
I promise you.
Week 6

Rezeki Yang Tidak Diduga
Today, something happened that made me go, 'Wow. For real???'
Over the past three weeks, I had been feeling:
1. I love Coke. I loooooovvvvveeeee Coke. I wanna drink Coke all the time. Coke with ice. Chilled Coke. Coke float. Coke is my new addiction.
2. If someone bugged me about work, I wanna bite their heads off. Ok, maybe that's not so uncommon. I have a high-stress occupation. But, to the point of threatening my SM to resign over something I don't agree? Talk about drama!
3. My boobs ache. They start with this regular, I'm-about-to-start-PMS ache, then the ache starts to exaggerate and becomes full-blown the-cool-air-I-passed-by-nearly-crippled-my-boobs ache.
4. I have been having that feeling of slight abdominal discomfort, like, I'm about to get my period but it never showed up. I got ditched by my own period.
5. Ok. I admit it. The symptoms are fishy enough to make me feel suspicious that these are not just PMS. These.are.nothing.usual.
So today. I think I've had enough of, 'Pregnant? Not pregnant???' thoughts buzzing in my head and my achy boobs are beginning to annoy me when I rolled away from bed this morning that I decided to end the puzzle by buying a pregnancy test.
We were grocery-shopping at Giant, and then I asked for a ten from Suami Terchenta to buy the pregnancy test. I hopped over to Guardian, bought the cheapest stick and then we went back. Once we reached home, after putting away our groceries, I took the test kit and went into the toilet to end the puzzle 'once-and-for-all'. After following the guideline, I dipped the stick in my urine, waited for the stick to absorb the liquid and watched out for the line(s) as it began to appear.
There's no way I'm pregnant,' I thought to myself. It's going to be another negative result. Just you wait and see, Carneyz.
Not more than 20 seconds, slowly another line began to appear. My jaws dropped open, my eyes grew bigger. What the...?
I quickly cleaned up and went out, holding the stick in my hand. Suami Terchenta had that, 'ok, it's another negative i just knew it' expression I knew so well. He opened his mouth and asked, 'So, what is it?'
'Can you just believe this?' I shoved the kit at him. The faint line was still there. He stared at it. Then at me, his face uncomprehending at first. Ok, we both were freaked out. After like, how many? failed pregnancy tests, suddenly this is positive even though we haven't started our treatment yet? How is that possible?
After a while, I told him, 'Ok, we need to do another test to confirm this. This might be a false alarm. Quick, get me a more expensive stick!'
So hubby went out and 20 minutes later, came back with another test kit. I gulped down a glass a water to fill up my bladders again, waited for five minutes and then went in for a second test.
To our amazement, the second one also turned out positive! We hugged, laughed and congratulated each other, 'Good job, dear! You're about to become a parent!'
Afternoon, we went to a clinic to get professional opinion and also to do an ultrasound. The scan showed that our fetus is just 17.7mm and the whole pregnancy is just 5weeks and 2 days old. Since I experienced spotting on Monday (which we figured out why but we didn't tell the doctor, hehehe), the doctor warned us that it might be yet another threatened pregnancy and we should lie low and not get too excited until the pregnancy is past 8 weeks. She advised us to go again for another confirmation check-up in four weeks' time.
So, if God wills it, I might be pregnant and this time, it's a natural pregnancy. That's what we called, 'rezeki yang tidak diduga.'
There is a hikmah when I had chickenpox last month, because it made me lose 5kgs. In turn, I believed it regulated my hormone and I was able to produce and release my egg. It also covered me from the risk of getting chickenpox during pregnancy, especially now chickenpox is rampant.
I thank You God, You have reasons for everything that happened. Alhamdullillah.
At the moment, I'll just keep quiet about this pregnancy, and hope for the best. But, if it did not work out like my first pregnancy, I will keep my trust in God, because everything has a hikmah including miscarriages.
Over the past three weeks, I had been feeling:
1. I love Coke. I loooooovvvvveeeee Coke. I wanna drink Coke all the time. Coke with ice. Chilled Coke. Coke float. Coke is my new addiction.
2. If someone bugged me about work, I wanna bite their heads off. Ok, maybe that's not so uncommon. I have a high-stress occupation. But, to the point of threatening my SM to resign over something I don't agree? Talk about drama!
3. My boobs ache. They start with this regular, I'm-about-to-start-PMS ache, then the ache starts to exaggerate and becomes full-blown the-cool-air-I-passed-by-nearly-crippled-my-boobs ache.
4. I have been having that feeling of slight abdominal discomfort, like, I'm about to get my period but it never showed up. I got ditched by my own period.
5. Ok. I admit it. The symptoms are fishy enough to make me feel suspicious that these are not just PMS. These.are.nothing.usual.
So today. I think I've had enough of, 'Pregnant? Not pregnant???' thoughts buzzing in my head and my achy boobs are beginning to annoy me when I rolled away from bed this morning that I decided to end the puzzle by buying a pregnancy test.
We were grocery-shopping at Giant, and then I asked for a ten from Suami Terchenta to buy the pregnancy test. I hopped over to Guardian, bought the cheapest stick and then we went back. Once we reached home, after putting away our groceries, I took the test kit and went into the toilet to end the puzzle 'once-and-for-all'. After following the guideline, I dipped the stick in my urine, waited for the stick to absorb the liquid and watched out for the line(s) as it began to appear.
There's no way I'm pregnant,' I thought to myself. It's going to be another negative result. Just you wait and see, Carneyz.
Not more than 20 seconds, slowly another line began to appear. My jaws dropped open, my eyes grew bigger. What the...?
I quickly cleaned up and went out, holding the stick in my hand. Suami Terchenta had that, 'ok, it's another negative i just knew it' expression I knew so well. He opened his mouth and asked, 'So, what is it?'
'Can you just believe this?' I shoved the kit at him. The faint line was still there. He stared at it. Then at me, his face uncomprehending at first. Ok, we both were freaked out. After like, how many? failed pregnancy tests, suddenly this is positive even though we haven't started our treatment yet? How is that possible?
After a while, I told him, 'Ok, we need to do another test to confirm this. This might be a false alarm. Quick, get me a more expensive stick!'
So hubby went out and 20 minutes later, came back with another test kit. I gulped down a glass a water to fill up my bladders again, waited for five minutes and then went in for a second test.
To our amazement, the second one also turned out positive! We hugged, laughed and congratulated each other, 'Good job, dear! You're about to become a parent!'
Afternoon, we went to a clinic to get professional opinion and also to do an ultrasound. The scan showed that our fetus is just 17.7mm and the whole pregnancy is just 5weeks and 2 days old. Since I experienced spotting on Monday (which we figured out why but we didn't tell the doctor, hehehe), the doctor warned us that it might be yet another threatened pregnancy and we should lie low and not get too excited until the pregnancy is past 8 weeks. She advised us to go again for another confirmation check-up in four weeks' time.
So, if God wills it, I might be pregnant and this time, it's a natural pregnancy. That's what we called, 'rezeki yang tidak diduga.'
There is a hikmah when I had chickenpox last month, because it made me lose 5kgs. In turn, I believed it regulated my hormone and I was able to produce and release my egg. It also covered me from the risk of getting chickenpox during pregnancy, especially now chickenpox is rampant.
I thank You God, You have reasons for everything that happened. Alhamdullillah.
At the moment, I'll just keep quiet about this pregnancy, and hope for the best. But, if it did not work out like my first pregnancy, I will keep my trust in God, because everything has a hikmah including miscarriages.
Week 5

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